I launched a new project called the Academy of Bible and Theology (click here), sponsored by AsiAfrica
Ministries, Inc. This program is designed to provide FREE educational
courses in the basic doctrines of Christianity for pastors and church leaders
in the Global South who have little or no formal biblical-theological training
(there are many!). Our theological position is the incarnational-Trinitarian
theology of T.F. Torrance, Karl Barth and others.
first two courses are already available. They are “The Christian Doctrine of
God” and “The Doctrine of Jesus Christ.” These courses are written in simple,
basic English for readers whose first language is not English. Both courses
draw heavily on the work of Torrance and Barth. I am now working on a third
course to be called, “The Christian Life: Living in Relationship with God and
Neighbour.” I am inviting you to contribute material for this course.
have more than 300 students from Africa and Asia with more enrolling daily. If
you would like to participate in this project, contact me at