Tuesday, March 5, 2013

The King Who Serves

Hi Everyone,

Scroll down the right-hand column and click under "Articles" to read my new article in The Plain Truth Magazine (Christianity Without the Religion), entitled "The King Who Serves." Its Lenten theme is appropriate as we approch Holy Week. Hope you enjoy it.


1 comment:

  1. Mind-boggling that the Creator/Sustainer/Redeemer would humble himself to show his servant love for us the ways he did. Turned our whole idea of God upside down, didn't it? A good article to contemplate during Lent and especially meaningful for Maundy Thursday observances, which we will be doing in Big Sandy and Texarkana. Thanks Martin!


New books available from Amazon

 Greetings Everyone, I have two new books available from Amazon: 1) The Holy Spirit: Message and Mission and 2) Jesus and the Old Testament....